Misadventures with European household technology

At first it was a game. I tapped button after button, tapped and held each sensor, slid my finger along the touch-screen slider… all the while hoping to get the stovetop to heat up. But as I tapped and fiddled, holding my hand above one of the burner surfaces and sensing zero heat, my game …

You’re cooking turkey all wrong

If you live in America and eat grocery store turkey every year for Thanksgiving, you have no idea what real turkey is like. I didn’t either, until I spent Thanksgiving overseas and got blindsided by how weird we are.  A little over ten years ago, I was living in southern Russia. I studied at a …

What happened when someone actually wanted to wash my feet

Modern insights into Biblical footwashing John 13:1-17 *Note: this is part of a series on how living in Eurasia affected my understanding of the Bible. Please head over to my post “Birthday Cake for Chickens“ to catch my explanation and disclaimer there if you haven’t yet.  In my Western life, I had only ever seen footwashing in …

Who takes out your garbage?

The Bleeding Woman Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34 and Luke 8:43-44 *Note: this is part of a series on how living in Eurasia affected my understanding of the Bible. Please head over to my post “Birthday Cake for Chickens” to catch my explanation and disclaimer there if you haven’t yet.  Just then a woman who had …

What to do when there is no toilet paper

The man with the shriveled right hand Mark 3:1-6, Matthew 12:9-14 and Luke 6:6-11 (Only Luke’s account specifically says it was his right hand.) *Note: this is part of a series on how living in Eurasia affected my understanding of the Bible. Please head over to my post on “Birthday Cake for Chickens” to catch …