These four original songs accompany the book Lavender: when following Jesus smells like wasting your life, which is now available on Amazon as an e-book and as a paperback.

The last three songs on this EP were born when four of my children weren’t. I am releasing this music as an act of worship and as a declaration of God’s goodness even in the pain. (Feel free to download and share them.)

I’ve told the full story of these songs in Lavender. I look forward to telling the rest of the story here on the blog as it unfolds!

Lavender (Track 1 from the album Lavender by Hannah Frost, 2020)
Peniel (Track 2 from the album Lavender by Hannah Frost, 2020)
You Take It All Away (Track 3 from the album Lavender by Hannah Frost, 2020)
Troubles (Track 4 from the album Lavender by Hannah Frost, 2020)

Published by Hannah Frost

I'm a 30-something who suddenly ended up married and living in Texas. Before that I had been single and overseas doing mission work for about a decade, so it was a shock. I blog to process and reflect.

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