Friends. I’m almost finished with my first book! I’m very excited to share it with you. It’s called Lavender: When Following Jesus Smells Like Wasting Your Life. This is the story of the most painful (and most valuable) lesson God taught me when I was living overseas.

It will be available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook and also as a paperback this December.

In the meantime, I’m recording a soundtrack for it. There are a few songs I wrote along the way that are really relevant to the text. I’m planning to post those songs online (on this blog and maybe on Noisetrade) and include links to them in the ebook.

So, as a practice post for me and also a sneak preview for you, here’s one of the songs I’ve just finished recording! It’s called “You Take it All Away.” I’ll post the lyrics below. But for more of the gritty backstory on this song, you’ll have to wait for the book. 😉

You Take it All Away – from the EP Lavender by Hannah Frost, 2020

You Take It All Away
I feel like you took all my lavender
Poured it out on the ground, then went and died
I feel like you buried your promises
Hiding them deep ‘till you choked out my pride

Oh God!
What do I have in this world but you?
Oh God!
Who do I have in this world but you?

You take it all away again and again
They say your name is jealous for a reason
You take it all away again and again
I know you will not let my heart be divided

I feel like you took all my lavender
Poured it out on the ground, then went and died
There’s no way you’re giving my heart away
All I will ever be is your bride.

All my tears are precious to you
Take my offering… take it soon.

Published by Hannah Frost

I'm a 30-something who suddenly ended up married and living in Texas. Before that I had been single and overseas doing mission work for about a decade, so it was a shock. I blog to process and reflect.

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  1. Beautiful, Martha. So raw, so full of your heart’s lessons. “You take it all away again and again.” I feel it here with you.